The Quorum


We love Javier Bardem. We also love Nicole Kidman. But the last time Kidman waded into the TV catalog, we got “Samantha” in a sluggish BEWITCHED. But BEING THE RICARDOS also has Aaron Sorkin behind the camera. With MOLLY’S GAME and THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 on his resume, Sorkin has become not just […]

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In search of a norm

POSTED ON AUGUST 9, 2021 Do the numbers still make sense for day-and-date releases? Listen, we knew this day was coming.  Ever since Comscore (née Rentrak) aggregated box office data and ever since Box Office Mojo made those numbers readily available to the public, we’ve been living in an idyllic world of data transparency. There was […]

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New to The Quorum: DON’T LOOK UP

If you’ve scored five Oscar nominations and one win for your two most recent films (VICE, THE BIG SHORT), you can pretty much get anyone you want to appear in your next movie. Here’s a list of some of the folks appearing in Adam McKay’s upcoming Netflix film DON’T LOOK UP: Timothée Chalamet, Leonardo DiCaprio, […]

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Is the MORBIUS campaign about to begin…again?

For those not familiar, MORBIUS is an extension of Sony’s hugely successful Marvel universe. The flagship of that universe, of course, are the SPIDER-MAN movies. In 2018, Sony expanded beyond the wall-crawler with VENOM. Critics didn’t love it, but the films made an impressive $850M worldwide, $214M here at home. The follow-up VENOM: LET THERE […]

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There are several reasons to support Scarlett Johansson in her legal battle with Disney. The crux of the case is whether the studio was in breach of contract when it moved BLACK WIDOW from a theatrical-only release to a hybrid release. Johansson is arguing that this rollout reduced her back-end bonuses that are tied to […]

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Delta Variant Update

Will upcoming films be on the move? Last week we reported that 26% of filmgoers were less likely to see a movie in a theater due to the rise of the Delta variant. With the spike in COVID cases dominating headlines, we posed the question once again. This time, just a few days later, that […]

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Trailer Callback: July 20-21

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Ridley Scott edition. Ridley Scott has two films coming out this year. First up, it’s THE LAST DUEL, which has the distinction of reuniting Matt Damon and Ben Affleck on the screen. DUEL arrives in October. A month later, HOUSE OF GUCCI hits […]

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Kudos to MGM.

This is the kind of publicity you want. Organic or planted, who cares? It worked. Clearly, the HOUSE OF GUCCI campaign has kicked in. The trailer was dropped in the afternoon (love that). This one moves into active rotation on The Quorum. Stay tuned… […]

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New to The Quorum: THE BLACK PHONE

Who knew that Ethan Hawke, star of the 1994 classic REALITY BITES, would go onto have such an interesting and diverse career? I don’t think many of us would have guessed that he would be a four-time Oscar nominee – twice for acting (TRAINING DAY, BOYHOOD) and twice for writing (BEFORE MIDNIGHT, BEFORE SUNSET). Bottom […]

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