It was a rough week for LISA FRANKENSTEIN. It slipped two buckets from “Average” to “Low End”. Things weren’t much better for ORDINARY ANGELS, which joined LISA in the “Low End” bucket.
THE FIRST OMEN, however, makes a nice debut entering in the “Strong” bucket.
The Long Lead Tracking Report looks at films more than six weeks from release. Each film is given anywhere from 1 to 5 diamonds based on how the film is performing in The Quorum’s main tracking metrics: Awareness, Interest, In A Theater, and Pay To See.
Diamonds are assigned based on how well the film is tracking compared to other films in the same group at the same distance from release.
Films are then sorted into one of five buckets, from “High End” to “Low End,” based on the total number of stars across the four metrics as follows:
<7 Diamond (“Low End”). 7-8 Diamonds (“Below Average”), 9-14 Diamond (“Average”), 15-18 Diamonds (“Strong”), 19-20 Diamonds (“High End”)
You’ll notice a column with numbers in red. This represents the average opening weekend for the film’s group. Titles that sit at the highest buckets (“High End” and “Strong”) are well positioned to open higher than that number in red. Conversely, titles at the lower buckets (“Below Average” and “Low End”) are tracking to open below the number in red.