The Quorum

The MICKEY 17 Campaign Heats Up.

MICKEY 17 is now six weeks from release, meaning The Quorum has given the film its first opening weekend projection. Based on the tracking today, the film is projected to open below $20M. With a reported budget near $100M, that may not be the opening Warner Bros. wants. And frankly, it’s lower than we had hoped. We have been perplexed for some time by the film’s low awareness and interest scores despite its impressive pedigree.

The good news is that the campaign has kicked in. And there is reason to believe that the tracking will improve, and hopefully, so will the box office forecast.

Last week, Warner Bros. gave us another terrific trailer, a new one-sheet, and these very cheeky character posters. And if, you were watching the NFL playoffs this weekend, there’s a chance you saw a TV spot for MICKEY. Not a 30-second spot. Warner Bros. aired a pricey full 60-second commercial.

We won’t know the campaign’s impact until next week, but we updated the MICKEY tracking this morning, and there is reason to be optimistic. Awareness jumped from 14% to 17%.

Interest ticked up from 29% to 30%. These are welcome gains even if both metrics are well below what we expect for this film.

Hopefully this is the beginning of an extended upward climb.

So what comes next? There could be more TV buys. Seeing a spot during or wrapping the Super Bowl on February 9th wouldn’t be shocking. The big date to watch is February 13th, the start of the Berlin International Film Festival. MICKEY is slated to premiere in Berlin, meaning that’s when reviews will start to come in.

In other words, this is just the beginning. Prepare for the full marketing push and keep an eye on the tracking. The Quorum is not ruling out an opening above $20M. We certainly hope it does, but we need to see these numbers go up to feel more confident about that.

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