File this one under, “what took so long?”
Back in October, Sony released the trailer for UNCHARTED after parts of it leaked online the previous day. It is highly unusual for a trailer to arrive before the poster. It’s even more unusual for the poster to arrive nearly two months after a trailer.

And yet, here we are with a poster dropping just two months before the film is scheduled to hit theaters on February 18th.
Ultimately, it’s not that surprising that Sony gave us the one-sheet today in light of the fact that Tom Holland is about to hit theaters in less than 48 hours with SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. This gives theaters a chance to hang this poster while walking the hallways to see HOME. And it’s likely that the trailer for UNCHARTED will play in front of HOME.
The films could use a little lift. Awareness of the film has been below 20% for over a year, and the recent trailer did little to help. Perhaps this is that catalyst the film needs to build additional awareness.