“Sesame Street,” the TV show, has been in the headlines of late. More specifically, Big Bird caused quite a stir when he announced that he had been vaccinated, much to the chagrin of several Republicans. “Saturday Night Live” even mocked Ted Cruz’s outrage over the bird’s proclamation.
What hasn’t made headlines is the SESAME STREET movie, which is only 43 days away from release. There has been no trailer. No poster. No set photos. Nothing. Nada.
The film is being directed by Jonathan Krisel, the 11-time Emmy nominated co-creator of “Portlandia.” Anne Hathaway stars alongside the beloved cast of regular show characters. So, what’s going on Warner Bros.? Why has the campaign been so quiet?
In terms of tracking, awareness has yet to crack 20%. Yes, it’s been trending up, but that is likely due to the attention from Big Bird’s vaccination status.
This film has been in development for many years, and we can’t wait to see it, but this radio silence makes us think something is wrong with the film. Warner Bros., please prove us wrong.