There were some great movie posters released in February. While SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE scored the only A of the month, other fantastic posters didn’t score as well as we had hoped among our respondents.
We’re all in on STRAYS. An R-rated talking dog movie featuring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx? Sold! We love the poster, and in this case, so did our panel. It gave the one sheet a solid score of B+.
Performing less well were the two lowest-scoring posters of the month: PAINT and ARE YOU THERE, GOD? IT’S ME, MARGARET. The key art for these films taps into what makes them unique. The Bob-Ross-esqu fro in PAINT tickles our nostalgia bone, while the pallet, font, and posture of MARGARET capture the awkwardness of being a teenager.
Meanwhile, “We can’t all die first” is, without a doubt, our favorite tagline in a long time, but the poster for THE BLACKENING didn’t excite our survey respondents. Audiences may not love these posters, but let’s hope they buy tickets anyway.